
Current Priorities
  1. Drew - 3 more generations (identify David W. Drew, Sr.'s g-grandparents)
  2. Finish Hicks (parents of 4g-gma Roxenia Buckley, who was a g-gma of John Nelson Robb)
  3. Document Lum immigration/citizenship - 1896/1907 DONE
  4. Document Saiki immigration/citizenship - 1894/1952 DONE
  5. Document Schneider immigration/citizenship 1871/1879
  6. Trace Langille immigration/citizenship 1869/? and trace Nova Scotians to Europe
  7. Finish Searles (details on grandparents of Rachel Osborn - g'gma of g-pa Drew)
  8. Trace John Nelson (Lott Robb's maternal grandfather) to Europe
  9. Elaborate Robert Robb lineage
  10. Elaborate Native Hawai'ian lineage

These three files are in RTF format, which any word processor should also be able to read. Lum is my father's lineage, Drew my maternal grandfather's, and Robb my maternal grandmother's.